
HTML / CSS / JSNov 7

Developed as a university project as a final assignment. Done to showcase programming projects and my favourite art pieces (mostly anime style).

Z80 AssemblyNov 7

Sokoban in Z80 Assembly

Sokoban game developed in the Z80 Assembly language as a university project.
Controls are WASD for movement and O for reset.

JSNov 14

Twitch Bot Template

A template for a basic twitch bot thats answers to a certain word or a combination of 2 words. It also includes some examples on how to make it react to words.

PythonDec 26

Youtube playlist to Excel

Python script developed as a personal project to transfer data about a youtube playlist into an Excel file for ease of access.
It imports the following information to the Excel file: position, video name, channel name, youtube link and duration.

C#Dec 29

Maze Generator & Minigame

C# program that creates a randomly generated maze following Prim's Algorith and displaying it with C# Forms.
It also includes a minigame to move around the maze so you can try to solve it before the timer runs out.

Future projects